To offset all the emissions generated by our production, we have opted for a climate protection project that promotes sustainable development in Brazil on both an environmental and social level.
The expansion of renewable energies is indispensable if we want to halt global warming and, at the same time, secure our energy supply. For example, by constructing wind farms, clean energy can gradually replace emissions-intensive energy to save CO₂ permanently.

Brazil is experiencing a green boom due to the rise of renewable energies, despite the increasing rainforest deforestation, because Brazilian wind conditions are the best in the world. Our climate protection project also makes an important social contribution: In addition to supplying the surrounding communities with affordable and renewable energy, additional income is generated for the landowners by using the project areas for other purposes.

Brazil is experiencing a green boom due to the rise of renewable energies, despite the increasing rainforest deforestation, because Brazilian wind conditions are the best in the world. Our climate protection project also makes an important social contribution: In addition to supplying the surrounding communities with affordable and renewable energy, additional income is generated for the landowners by using the project areas for other purposes.