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Kunstraum Gold+Beton

Cologne art space Gold+Beton

Interdisciplinary project space at Ebertplatz

This section of the magazine is dedicated to special people and projects that actively work for the environment, society and togetherness. We want to support these local organizations and cultural workers and today we introduce you to the Cologne art space Gold+Beton (meaning: Gold + Concrete).

Located at the Ebertplatz in Cologne, the free, non-commercial art space has been considered an institution of Cologne's independent art scene for years. Gold+Beton sees itself as an interface between art, society and active urban politics. In addition to exhibitions, the program also includes live performances, music evenings and readings. The program is intended to invite communicative interaction and artistic exchange. 

In addition to a permanent team, the program is designed by ever-changing curators. The art space places particular emphasis on promoting young artists, whose works are often presented to a professional audience for the first time. At the same time, Gold+Beton offers them space to experiment and thus serves as a laboratory.  

Exposition Or+Béton

The works in the photos in this article are from the exhibition Kölscher Herbst from the fall of 2020, which dealt with the fields of discrimination, racism and social inequality.

Gold+Beton attempted to act as a laboratory in the exhibition, collecting interesting, multi-perspective approaches to collectively discuss how to address these social issues today.

In 2020, we supported Gold+Concrete with our 3% additional revenue as part of the VAT reduction.

The reduction was an attempt to counteract the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic. We passed on the additional 3% we collected and donated it to a different local institution worthy of support each month.


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