Céramique et tapis faits main au Portugal Nous sommes fascinés par la combinaison du savoir faire traditionnel portugais et d’un design moderne et épuré. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec des entreprises familiales et des manufactures à talle humaine car tous nos produits y sont fabriqués à la main avec amour. Voir plus.
En plus de notre shop en ligne, nous travaillons avec une poignée de petites boutiques dans lesquelles tu trouveras une sélection de nos pièces. Nous avons également notre propre magasin à Cologne.
Notre céramique est fabriquée à partir d’une matière première naturelle, qui est travaillée et transformée dans la région d’où elle provient, au Portugal. Nos tapis sont tissés à partir de chutes de tissus issues de l'industrie de la mode portugaise. Ils sont donc composés de matériaux recyclés. Nous coopérons avec nos partenaires de production sur un pied d'égalité. Afin de garantir une collaboration équitable, nous échangeons régulièrement avec les manufactures qui produisent nos objets. La production en Europe nous permet de visiter régulièrement ces dernières et de rencontrer les collaborateurs/trices des différents lieux de production. En outre, nous respectons les normes de travail européennes. La production au sein de l'UE garantit des trajets de livraison courts avec moins d'émissions de CO2. Nous envoyons nos produits par défaut avec DHL GoGreen, afin de soutenir une expédition neutre en CO2. Nous expédions nos commandes entièrement sans plastique et utilisons exclusivement du papier et du carton certifiés FSC comme matériaux d'emballage. Afin d'éviter les déchets d'emballage inutiles, nous essayons, dans la mesure du possible, de réutiliser et de recycler tous les paquets provenant des retours et des livraisons de nos producteurs.
Une foi l’article choisi, ajoute le à ton panier. Si ton panier est complet, clique sur 'Passer à la caisse', saisis ton adresse et choisis un mode de paiement. En cliquant sur 'Payer maintenant', ta commande est terminée.
Une fois ta commande terminée, tu recevras une confirmation de commande par e-mail. Dans cette confirmation, tu trouveras un lien qui te permettra de vérifier le statut de ta commande. Dès que ta commande a quitté notre entrepôt, tu reçois une confirmation d'expédition par e-mail. Tu y trouveras un lien pour télécharger ta facture au format pdf et un lien pour suivre ton colis.
Lors de ta commande, tu peux modifier ton adresse de livraison dans l'étape 'Adresse de livraison'. Il n'est malheureusement plus possible de modifier l'adresse pour les commandes déjà passées.
Nous te proposons le paiement par PayPal, carte de crédit, virement SOFORT et facture via des prestataires de services externes. Tous nos prestataires de services de paiement travaillent avec les normes de sécurité les plus élevées afin de protéger tes données et les nôtres et de permettre un processus de paiement sans problèmes. Tu trouveras de plus amples explications sur les différents modes de paiement et prestataires de services de paiement dans nos conditions générales de vente.
En règle générale, nous traitons ta commande dans un délai de 1 à 5 jours ouvrables. Dès que ta commande a été transmise à notre partenaire d'expédition, tu la reçois en Allemagne et en Autriche en général dans les 3 à 5 jours. Pour les autres pays de l'UE et la Suisse, il peut s'écouler jusqu'à 15 jours avant que ta commande ne te parvienne.
Nous envoyons nos produits par défaut avec DHL GoGreen, afin de soutenir une expédition neutre en CO2.
Tu trouveras ici un aperçu des pays dans lesquels nous livrons.
En Allemagne, nous facturons un forfait d'expédition de 6.9 euros par commande.* Si tu habites en Autriche, nous facturons 10 euros pour l'expédition. À partir d'un panier d'achat de 95 euros, l'envoi est gratuit en Allemagne. Tu trouveras ici les frais de livraison pour tous les autres pays.
Nous expédions nos commandes entièrement sans plastique et utilisons exclusivement du papier et du carton certifiés FSC comme matériaux d'emballage. Afin d'éviter les déchets d'emballage inutiles, nous essayons, dans la mesure du possible, de réutiliser et de recycler tous les paquets provenant des retours et des livraisons de nos producteurs.
Dès que nous aurons transmis ta commande à notre partenaire d'expédition, tu recevras une confirmation d'expédition par e-mail. Tu y trouveras le lien de suivi avec le numéro d'envoi de ton colis.
Dans les 14 premiers jours, tu as la possibilité de nous renvoyer tes produits dans le cadre du droit de rétractation légal.
Malheureusement, il n'est pas possible de retourner des articles individuels d'un ensemble.
En cas de réclamations, nous vous demandons aimablement d'utiliser notre portail de retours et de spécifier exactement quels articles de l'ensemble vous souhaitez réclamer. Notre service client vous contactera ensuite rapidement.
Malheureusement, dans des cas rares, votre commande peut arriver endommagée. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir le signaler via notre portail de retours pour enregistrer votre réclamation. Dans le cas de vaisselle cassée, il n'est pas nécessaire de nous la renvoyer. Après vérification de votre problème, nous vous enverrons volontiers un remplacement (à l'exception de la Suisse) ou vous rembourserons le montant.
Vous pouvez créer l'enregistrement de retour ici. Si vous souhaitez retourner plus d'un colis, veuillez écrire un e-mail à help@onomao.com
Instructions de retour :
1. Accédez à notre portail de retour en entrant votre numéro de commande et l'adresse électronique utilisée lors de la commande.
2. Sélectionnez les articles que vous souhaitez renvoyer et indiquez la raison du retour.
3. Nous vous enverrons un e-mail avec un code QR à scanner chez DHL ou une étiquette de retour à imprimer.
4. Emballez les articles de manière sûre pour éviter toute détérioration pendant le transport. Si possible, réutilisez l'emballage d'origine.
5. Assurez-vous que les articles retournés n'ont pas été utilisés et sont en parfait état pour obtenir un remboursement complet.
6. Une fois votre retour traité, nous vous enverrons un e-mail de confirmation et vous serez remboursé dans les 14 jours ouvrables.
Si un article est défectueux, tu peux bien sûr nous contacter. Il te suffit d'indiquer ici ton numéro de commande et de nous décrire brièvement (avec une photo si possible) ce qui est défectueux sur ton article. Dans le cas de vaisselle cassée, il n'est pas nécessaire de nous la renvoyer. Après vérification de votre problème, nous vous rembourserons le montant.
Si vous souhaitez réclamer plus d'un colis, veuillez écrire un e-mail à help@onomao.com
1. Accédez à notre portail de réclamation en entrant votre numéro de commande et l'adresse électronique utilisée lors de la commande.
2. Nous vous contacterons rapidement et vous recevrez par mail une étiquette d'expédition.
3. Emballez les articles de manière sûre pour éviter toute détérioration pendant le transport. Si possible, réutilisez l'emballage d'origine.
4. Une fois votre réclamation traitée, nous vous enverrons un e-mail de confirmation et vous serez remboursé dans les 14 jours ouvrables.
Le remboursement des articles retournés sera effectué dans les plus brefs délais, dans un délai de 14 jours ouvrés après réception du retour, via le mode de paiement que vous avez utilisé pour votre achat.
Pour minimiser notre impact sur l'environnement, nous facturons des frais de retour minimaux. Si vous faites une réclamation, nous prenons en charge l'étiquette d'expédition. Voici les frais de retour :
- Allemagne : 8€
- UE (sauf Suède et Finlande) : 15 euros
- Autres pays : Veuillez utiliser le service de messagerie de votre choix.
Malheureusement, l'échange d'articles n'est actuellement pas possible. Cependant, vous pouvez facilement passer une nouvelle commande via la boutique en ligne.
Bien sûr, tout simplement en ligne. Par ici.
1. Scope
These conditions of participation apply to all competitions organized by Wystrychowski & Wystrychowski Gbr, Marienstr. 3, 50825 Cologne (hereinafter "Organizer"). Each participant accepts these conditions of participation by participating. All information in the context of this competition is provided exclusively by the organizer.
2. Participation
2.1 Any natural person who is at least 18 years old is entitled to participate in their own name. Participants who have already reached the age of sixteen but are not yet of legal age may only take part in the competition with the consent of their legal guardian. 2.2 Minors under the age of 16 and legally incapable persons are excluded from participation. 2.3 The organizer reserves the right to exclude persons from participation who violate these conditions of participation or who gain or seek to gain an advantage over other participants by improperly influencing or manipulating the competition. In these cases, the organizer can also subsequently exclude participants from the competition, withdraw prizes and reclaim them. 2.4 Participation is only possible within the period specified in the competition description. Each participant may only enter an identical competition once. 2.5 Employees of the organizer of the competition as well as employees of the companies involved in this competition and their direct relatives are excluded from participating in the competition. 2.6 Persons residing in the EU are entitled to participate.
3. Conduct of the Sweepstakes
3.1 Prerequisite for participation in the competition is the registration for the newsletter, which action is to be taken directly from the competition entry page. If a further requirement for participation in the competition should be necessary, this will be communicated directly at the opportunity to participate in the competition. The sweepstakes will be held during the specified period. All participants in the sweepstakes who meet the requirements specified in sections 2 and 3 by the time of the draw will be considered. Immediately after the participation period has expired, the winner will be randomly drawn from the participants. 3.2 A change or cash payment of the price is excluded. The prize is not transferable.
4. Settlement of Winnings
4.1 The winner will be notified by email from the organizer. With regard to the prize, each participant notified in this way is obliged to inform the organizer within one month of the notification being sent whether he or she will accept the prize. If the organizer does not receive a corresponding message within this period, the possibility of accepting the prize expires and the organizer reserves the right to identify another participant and to inform them accordingly. 4.2 If the contact information provided by the participant is incorrect (e.g. e-mail address), the organizer is not obliged to determine the correct data. The disadvantages resulting from the provision of incorrect contact information (e.g. incorrect e-mail address) are at the expense of the participant.
5. Liability for Defects
The organizer is only liable for damage incurred by the winner due to material and/or legal defects in the event of fraudulent intent, intent or gross negligence. Liability for material and/or legal defects is excluded.
6. Early Termination, Adjustment or Alteration of the Sweepstakes
The organizer is entitled to prematurely terminate, adapt or change the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons if proper implementation of the competition cannot be guaranteed without appropriate measures for technical or legal reasons.
7. Privacy
7.1 The organizer uses the data received from the participants as part of the participation in the competition for the implementation and processing of the competition. You can object to the storage and use of your data for this purpose at any time by sending a message to the contact option described below. 7.2 The organizer reserves the right to announce the name of the winner on a competition page, provided the winner has not objected to this. 7.3 Upon written request to the organizer, the participant will be informed about the data stored about his person and has the opportunity to correct this data.
8. Intellectual Property/Usage Rights/Indemnification Agreement
8.1 The participant assures that none of the images published by him violate the rights of third parties and that the participant alone is entitled to dispose of the rights to the published images without restriction and free of third-party rights. The participant further declares that he has not made or will make any future disposals of the rights that are contrary to these terms of use. 8.2 If the participant infringes the copyrights, industrial property rights, labeling rights or other property rights of a third party, the participant undertakes to fully indemnify the organizer from all legitimate claims of the third party arising from the infringement. The participant is also obliged to bear the costs of the necessary legal defense, including all court and attorney fees; this does not apply if the participant is not responsible for the violation of rights.
9. Governing Law
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to all legal relationships between the parties. For consumers, this choice of law only applies insofar as the protection granted is not withdrawn by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his habitual residence.
1. Scope
These conditions of participation apply to all competitions organized by Wystrychowski & Wystrychowski Gbr, Marienstr. 3 50825 Cologne (hereinafter "Organizer"). Each participant accepts these conditions of participation by participating. This competition is not connected to Facebook. It is in no way sponsored, endorsed or organized by Facebook and does not create any legal claims against Facebook. All information in the context of this competition is provided exclusively by the organizer.
2. Participation
2.1 Any natural person who is at least 18 years old is entitled to participate in their own name. Participants who have already reached the age of sixteen but are not yet of legal age may only take part in the competition with the consent of their legal guardian. 2.2 Minors under the age of 16 and legally incapable persons are excluded from participation. 2.3 The organizer reserves the right to exclude persons from participation who violate these conditions of participation or who gain or seek to gain an advantage over other participants by improperly influencing or manipulating the competition. In these cases, the organizer can also subsequently exclude participants from the competition, withdraw prizes and reclaim them. 2.4 Participation is only possible within the period specified in the competition description. Each participant may only enter an identical competition once. 2.5 Employees of the organizer of the competition as well as employees of the companies involved in this competition and their direct relatives are excluded from participating in the competition. 2.6 Persons residing in the EU are entitled to participate.
3. Conduct of the Sweepstakes
3.1 The prerequisite for participation in the competition is a comment on the organiser's Facebook presence or the posting of a photo on the organiser's Facebook presence. The specific action to be taken can be found directly on the competition entry page. If a further requirement for participation in the competition should be necessary, this will be communicated directly at the opportunity to participate in the competition. The sweepstakes will be held during the specified period. All participants in the sweepstakes who meet the requirements specified in sections 2 and 3 by the time of the draw will be considered. Immediately after the participation period has expired, the winner will be randomly drawn from the participants. 3.2 A change or cash payment of the price is excluded. The prize is not transferable.
4. Settlement of Winnings
4.1 The winner will be notified by email or electronically (via Facebook) by the Promoter. With regard to the prize, each participant notified in this way is obliged to inform the organizer within one month of the notification being sent whether he or she will accept the prize. If the organizer does not receive a corresponding message within this period, the possibility of accepting the prize expires and the organizer reserves the right to identify another participant and to inform them accordingly. 4.2 If the contact information provided by the participant is incorrect (e.g. e-mail address), the organizer is not obliged to determine the correct data. The disadvantages resulting from the provision of incorrect contact information (e.g. incorrect e-mail address) are at the expense of the participant.
5. Liability for Defects
The organizer is only liable for damage incurred by the winner due to material and/or legal defects in the event of fraudulent intent, intent or gross negligence. Liability for material and/or legal defects is excluded.
6. Early Termination, Adjustment or Alteration of the Sweepstakes
The organizer is entitled to prematurely terminate, adapt or change the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons if proper implementation of the competition cannot be guaranteed without appropriate measures for technical or legal reasons.
7. Privacy
7.1 The organizer uses the data received from the participants as part of the participation in the competition for the implementation and processing of the competition. You can object to the storage and use of your data for this purpose at any time by sending a message to the contact option described below. 7.2 The organizer reserves the right to announce the name of the winner on a competition page, provided the winner has not objected to this. 7.3 Upon written request to the organizer, the participant will be informed about the data stored about his person and has the opportunity to correct this data.
8. Intellectual Property/Usage Rights/Indemnification Agreement
8.1 The participant assures that none of the images published by him violate the rights of third parties and that the participant alone is entitled to dispose of the rights to the published images without restriction and free of third-party rights. The participant further declares that he has not made or will make any future disposals of the rights that are contrary to these terms of use. 8.2 The participant grants the organizer a non-exclusive right of use, unlimited in terms of time and place, with regard to all types of use for the publication of the published images on the Instagram page, the Facebook page and this website. Furthermore, the organizer is granted the right to grant simple sublicenses. Furthermore, the organizer is granted the right to edit the images transmitted by the participant, which entitles the organizer to edit and/or convert the template using analog, digital or other editing options while respecting copyright. 8.3 If the participant infringes the copyrights, industrial property rights, labeling rights or other property rights of a third party, the participant undertakes to fully indemnify the organizer from all legitimate claims of the third party arising from the infringement. The participant is also obliged to bear the costs of the necessary legal defense, including all court and attorney fees; this does not apply if the participant is not responsible for the violation of rights.
9. Governing Law
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to all legal relationships between the parties. For consumers, this choice of law only applies insofar as the protection granted is not withdrawn by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his habitual residence.
1. Scope
These conditions of participation apply to all competitions organized by Wystrychowski & Wystrychowski Gbr, Marienstr. 3, 50825 Cologne (hereinafter "Organizer"). Each participant accepts these conditions of participation by participating. This giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram. It is in no way sponsored, endorsed or organized by Instagram and does not create any legal claims against Instagram. All information in the context of this competition is provided exclusively by the organizer.
2. Participation
2.1 Any natural person who is at least 18 years old is entitled to participate in their own name. Participants who have already reached the age of sixteen but are not yet of legal age may only take part in the competition with the consent of their legal guardian. 2.2 Minors under the age of 16 and legally incapable persons are excluded from participation. 2.3 The organizer reserves the right to exclude persons from participation who violate these conditions of participation or who gain or seek to gain an advantage over other participants by improperly influencing or manipulating the competition. In these cases, the organizer can also subsequently exclude participants from the competition, withdraw prizes and reclaim them. 2.4 Participation is only possible within the period specified in the competition description. Each participant may only enter an identical competition once. 2.5 Employees of the organizer of the competition as well as employees of the companies involved in this competition and their direct relatives are excluded from participating in the competition. 2.6 Persons residing in the EU are entitled to participate.
3. Conduct of the Sweepstakes
3.1 The prerequisite for participation in the competition is a comment on the Instagram presence of the organizer or the re-posting of a photo on Instagram, which action is to be taken can be found directly on the competition entry page. If a further requirement for participation in the competition should be necessary, this will be communicated directly at the opportunity to participate in the competition. The sweepstakes will be held during the specified period. All participants in the sweepstakes who meet the requirements specified in sections 2 and 3 by the time of the draw will be considered. Immediately after the participation period has expired, the winner will be randomly drawn from the participants. 3.2 A change or cash payment of the price is excluded. The prize is not transferable.
4. Settlement of Winnings
4.1 The winner will be notified by email or electronically (via Instagram Direct Message) by the Promoter. With regard to the prize, each participant notified in this way is obliged to inform the organizer within one month of the notification being sent whether he or she will accept the prize. If the organizer does not receive a corresponding message within this period, the possibility of accepting the prize expires and the organizer reserves the right to identify another participant and to inform them accordingly. 4.2 If the contact information provided by the participant is incorrect (e.g. e-mail address), the organizer is not obliged to determine the correct data. The disadvantages resulting from the provision of incorrect contact information (e.g. incorrect e-mail address) are at the expense of the participant.
5. Liability for Defects
The organizer is only liable for damage incurred by the winner due to material and/or legal defects in the event of fraudulent intent, intent or gross negligence. Liability for material and/or legal defects is excluded.
6. Early Termination, Adjustment or Alteration of the Sweepstakes
The organizer is entitled to prematurely terminate, adapt or change the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons if proper implementation of the competition cannot be guaranteed without appropriate measures for technical or legal reasons.
7. Privacy
7.1 The organizer uses the data received from the participants as part of the participation in the competition for the implementation and processing of the competition. You can object to the storage and use of your data for this purpose at any time by sending a message to the contact option described below. 7.2 The organizer reserves the right to announce the name of the winner on a competition page, provided the winner has not objected to this. 7.3 Upon written request to the organizer, the participant will be informed about the data stored about his person and has the opportunity to correct this data.
8. Intellectual Property/Usage Rights/Indemnification Agreement
8.1 The participant assures that none of the images published by him violate the rights of third parties and that the participant alone is entitled to dispose of the rights to the published images without restriction and free of third-party rights. The participant further declares that he has not made or will make any future disposals of the rights that are contrary to these terms of use. 8.2 The participant grants the organizer a non-exclusive right of use, unlimited in terms of time and place, with regard to all types of use for the publication of the published images on the Instagram page, the Facebook page and this website. Furthermore, the organizer is granted the right to grant simple sublicenses. Furthermore, the organizer is granted the right to edit the images transmitted by the participant, which entitles the organizer to edit and/or convert the template using analog, digital or other editing options while respecting copyright. 8.3 If the participant infringes the copyrights, industrial property rights, labeling rights or other property rights of a third party, the participant undertakes to fully indemnify the organizer from all legitimate claims of the third party arising from the infringement. The participant is also obliged to bear the costs of the necessary legal defense, including all court and attorney fees; this does not apply if the participant is not responsible for the violation of rights.
9. Governing Law
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to all legal relationships between the parties. For consumers, this choice of law only applies insofar as the protection granted is not withdrawn by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his habitual residence.
Citations de la presse
Si tu le souhaites, nous t'enverrons volontiers par e-mail les liens correspondants aux articles ou l'article complet en format pdf.